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    The term  'sustainability' is on everyone's lips these days, but by no means every consumer actually understands the meaning of this meaningful term.


    As a dealer in high-quality second-hand furniture and trading in old and youngtimers, the basic idea is to preserve goods in the production of which valuable raw materials, energy and labor were used. Sustainability is not just an empty phrase here, but a philosophy of our actions.


    The attribute "sustainable" is difficult to verify in modern and current business activities. Products that were manufactured 20, 30 or even 50 years ago and that still work reliably and can be used today obviously have sustainability.


    In fact, current products such as electric vehicles and cheap furniture from the assembly line are usually not very sustainable, and in particular their sustainability still has to be proven in the future .


    Increasingly shorter production cycles rarely lead to the much-discussed sustainability or 'longevity' of consumer goods, instead this generates demands for the 'latest' product.


    "Sustainable living" - that also means the long-term use of our products and the reduction of all types of waste, ecologically and resource-saving - and socially.


    Sustainability is a conscious 'attitude'.


    Bj. 2000  mit  480.000 KM

    Bj. 1988  mit  360.000 KM

    Immer kürzer werdende Produktionszyklen führen selten zur viel diskutierten Nachhaltigkeit oder ‚Langlebigkeit‘ von Gebrauchsgütern, statt dessen generiert dies Bedürfnisse nach dem 'neuesten' Produkt.


    „Nachhaltig Leben“ – das bedeutet auch die langfristige Nutzung unserer Produkte und die Reduzierung jeder Art von Müll, ökologisch und Ressourcen schonend – und sozial.

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